Am I Ready to Leave My Job?

Published on
November 26, 2022

Is a job really my best alternative?

The main question we need to ask ourselves is "Am I ready to Leave My Job?" It’s a big decision to walk away from a regular job with regular pay. But, on the other hand, there’s a comfort in knowing that remuneration will be there as long as you keep showing up.

“On the other hand, will I ever really get ahead? Will I ever really change my life for the better? Will I ever really be happy in this position? Will I really be secure in this job forever? Will they want me to keep showing up forever? So, am I really ready to leave my job."

These are just a few questions people ask themselves before venturing into a business to build their future. Unfortunately, these are the questions people avoid when they stay where they are and don’t really think about their own options. These questions are ignored when they accept their fate.

In some cases, the answers are affirmative. So, yes, the job does offer a fair shot at significant advancement. Moreover, the position will provide for a noteworthy increase in remuneration, ensuring long-term security and hopefully providing lasting happiness.

After all, it is about happiness, and we all have a right to happiness. So, if the job does provide for these things, then a change is not required.

In other cases, it is difficult to accept that meaningful advancement is not on the horizon. Each month that passes creates a more bottomless mire that is more difficult to escape.

Only an honest and open conversation can determine what you want out of life.

“Do I have the courage to make a life-changing decision?” Of course, some do, and many do not. But, the person we aspire to be, or the people we look up to with respect, has displayed that courage and gone for it. Without fear, they found a way to light the wick, set the flames of action, and change in motion.

I have learned from various readings over the years that picturing the worst-case scenario is often good medicine in times of indecision. Usually, the answer is, “The worst that could happen is I could die.”

Can you picture yourself being dead without accomplishing more, without taking more action, without taking more chances on yourself? Maybe yes, maybe no.

That doesn’t mean acting foolishly and not thinking through your choices. However, it does mean everyone should consider the options before them.

“Do I take a chance and do something that could be great, or take the easy and safe path and stay in a position that I hate?”

We really all do have a right to be happy!

If you are ready to learn more about franchise opportunities, contact franchise expert Jay Friedman by booking a call on his calendar.

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